10 Benefits of Running

Running is the most easy exercise for human being. Due to the benefits of running, millions of the people from all over the world are running, and the numbers are constantly increasing. You can take advantages of running in all age groups.

1. Heart: The maximum benefit occurs in heart. As the muscle of two ventricles which pump out blood become thicker. And both the interiors of this chamber become larger in size by 20%. This enables both the ventricles to pump out more blood with each beat. Population studies has revealed that runners suffer less from heart attacks.

2. Improvement of blood chemistry: Running reduces blood cholesterol and control many factors which are directly connected with heart attack. HDL Cholesterol which protect us from heart attacks increase with running. And even goes 80-100 MG.

3. Running improves glucose tolerance and helps diabetes to control sugar.

4. Few scientific studies have been made in this area. The running addiction associated with high frequency running and positive personality.

5. Runners have better concentration in professional work.

6. Anti Obesity: Running reduces body weight and obesity.

7. Anti Smoking: Running habit stops smoking.

8. Anti Ageing: Runners are slow grow to old. Physiologically age increases 10-15% in 10 years. But runners grow old by 5% in 10 years.

9. Respiratory Functions: With running lung functionality improves and breathing become effortless after sometime.

10. Sleep: Runners have no sleep problems. They feel fresh every morning.


  1. I really love running, but I’m starting get runners knee again. This happens when Im not cross training. Can you guys post a short runner specific strength training circuit or recommend workouts for runners to add on at the end of short runs or on rest days?


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