Domain Extensions And Their Meanings

We have heard many time in general talks and in the world of technology the word "Domain Extensions". What does it means and how they works? This question comes in every person's mind if they are not from technical background.

Don't have to worry about it, in this article we are going to tell you about Domain Extensions And Their Meanings.

There are many types of Extensions whenever you choose a domain you or your business. The end of a web address specifies an Internet category or a country code. Let's explore some interesting facts you should know about Domain Extensions.

1. .COM (Commercial) - Generic top-level domain also called worldwide Extension.
2. .NET (Network) - Any person or entity is permitted to register.
3. EDU (Education) - You have to submit legal educational documents of University to register this types of domain.
4. .ORG (Organization) - Use by non-profit organizations, and still primarily used by some. Any person or entity is permitted to register.
5. .GOV (Government Agencies) - The .gov TLD is limited to governmental entities and agencies as well as qualifying state, county and local municipal government agencies.

These are some of the famous Domain Extensions. Now let's talk about Country Extensions.

1. .ca - Canada
2. .in - India
3. .au - Australia
4. .uk - United Kingdom
5. .us - United States of America

So guys, i hope this information helps you to understand today's topic. If you want to know about more Domain Extensions you can simply search on google. Thank you guys, will see you soon in our next topic.


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