Top Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation is in focus of thousands of studies over the past 70 years. Today we are also going to focus on Top Benefits Of Meditation. How to do meditation and how it works. Let's see how Meditation helps you in your daily life.

1. Meditation Physically Changes Your Brain: Study conducted in year 2011 at Harvard, led by Dr. Sarah Lazar, found that meditating for just 8 weeks increases your brain size in three crucial areas.

A. The Left Hippocaampus: Which is responsible for your ability to learn as well as your ability to retain information.
B. The posterious cingulate, which is involved in your ability to control where your mind wanders.
C. The temporal parentel junction, which is responsible for empathy and compassion.

Meditation doesn't only grow the good parts of your brain. The same study found that after 8 weeks of meditation, there were also decrease in cell volume in the amygdala, which is the area of your brain that is responsible for fear, anxiety and stress.

2. It Reduce Bad Feelings: To further expand on the last point made they have been numerous studies that looks only at the effects of meditation on emotions such as stress, depression and anxiety. Now stress isn't inherently bad for you in fact the little stress is actually healthy for you. However there are many people who stressed too much and this can cause serious health issues.

3. Meditation Helps Overcome Bad Habits: The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is thee part of your brain that is responsible for will power. A study conducted in 2015 found that meditation stimulates growth in this part of your brain. If you have some bad habits like alcohol, smoking etc you can try meditation. It will surely help you to quit your bad habits.

4. Concentrate And Focus Better: Meditation helps you to Concentrate and Focus Better whatever task you are doing. If you are a student and not able to Focus on your studies, you should try meditation. If you are a professional working men / women, and suffering from stress, you should try meditation every day just for few mins.

5. Extremely Healthy: Meditation have no side effects. It's totally healthy if you are doing meditation. Meditation decreases the amount of C-Reative protein in the blood which directly correlates with the development of heart disease.

So guys here is the Top Benefits Of Meditation. You can try it on your home, office, garden anywhere. It's a no cost workout for your healthy lifestyle.


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